What's on my iPhone/iPod
Awesome Note
Been using this app for awhile, but not regularly. They have made this app much more than a to do list app. I use it to organize notes and information on projects, store recipes, goals, and miscellaneous notes. I really don't use it as a to-do list or use the diary function. Did try to use it as a planner, but I rather have a physical planner for that. I really like the design, overall usefulness and customization choices this app has. It can sync up the notes to Google Drive (docs) which is awesome cause I don't use iCloud.
Period Tracker
I had to get this when I saw it. Really helped me from guessing when my period is coming. It wasn't completely accurate at first, but its more accurate now. It even marks on the calender when you're probably ovulating, but that's not something I would check accurately or have a need too. You can also makes notes about the day, and it also have a symptoms tabs where it lists things like acne, backaches, cramps etc with appropriate art that shows the level of that symptom your are feeling. For example bloating would have a image of a cupcake and there are 3 of them in different sizes. Tapping on the small one would mean you are feeling a little bloating that day. There's also moods that you can choose all have cute emoticons. All of these you can customize and even add to them. And lastly you can record your weight, temperature, fertility (which has cervical muscus and cervical observations recording options) and pills that you can add. There are logs and charts on the app that will use these details if you need to keep track of them. The social part of the app I don't use. Even though the majority of the app is for getting pregnant I still use it to track my period and that's it really.
I stitched from using the twitter app to Tweetbot is because it resumes to the last tweet I read so it makes it much easier for me to catch up on the tweets I missed. I like that I can sign on to more than one account. Also got it for the translation feature, but its bad, haha.
Spending Tracker
I was in need of a finance management app since the old app I used is too basic. So I saw this and thought to get it since it was free. I didn't want those more popular finance apps since they require signing up for an account and/or need Internet connection. So this was the first that I found that was free and ha what I needed. I wanted a simple app that I can input income and expenses and calculate how much profit or loss I've made throughout the year or month. I didn't need one that focuses on photographing receipts or heavy tagging labeling. Or connecting to accounts or my cards. The major problem I have with this app is that it requires me to buy the Pro version to export or backup my info.
This app is just what I need and has a decent UI design. The bar that visualizes your income and expenses is nice but didn't make too much sense at first. Also the < > part of the design wasn't clear that it was to switch between months/weeks/years. Its a simple app just input the amount and put it in a category and that's it. It will list all the total amount of income and expenses and list the total amount of each category you used during that month/week/year. Its great! I got the free version and it does occasionally pop up to upgrade the app. It doesn't pop up enough for me to be annoyed with it, but I don't use it on a daily basis.
Before I used meebo, but it has canceled it im service so I switched to imo. Its not bad, but since msn has canceled I do not use it as often. I like that it has a big list of im services that you can add like skype, facebook, and steam. Pretty useful for those who use all these messaging services in one app. Its a simple app too so its not hard to use.
The app was not good at first, but now its much better. Definitely doesn't compare to using it on a computer though. The home screen lists: posts, new posts, view blog, and settings. Its good for adding photos and simple posts so anything beyond that is better to do on the computer. It doesn't list the tags I use, or do anything fancy with the text. Can't even put a "Read More" in posts either.
Before I used meebo, but it has canceled it im service so I switched to imo. Its not bad, but since msn has canceled I do not use it as often. I like that it has a big list of im services that you can add like skype, facebook, and steam. Pretty useful for those who use all these messaging services in one app. Its a simple app too so its not hard to use.
The app was not good at first, but now its much better. Definitely doesn't compare to using it on a computer though. The home screen lists: posts, new posts, view blog, and settings. Its good for adding photos and simple posts so anything beyond that is better to do on the computer. It doesn't list the tags I use, or do anything fancy with the text. Can't even put a "Read More" in posts either.
Nice Japanese dictionary app. The best part is that its offline so I can use with when and wherever I want. The search feature is nice I can type in romanji or search by radicals or SKIP code which its not something I'm familiar with. It loads fast too! You can also make words lists to study from which is customizable too. It shows you a history of words you looked up, and even has a lexical category, classifications (Architecutre, Biology, etc), JLPT, grade, daily use, and so much more. You can even label kanji with colors. Its not a cheap app, but if you're studying Japanese its a nice helpful app. There's no online backup of your wordlists, etc.
My kanji studying app. Its a flashcard style of studying, and its not bad. I can study by JLPT or by grade. It splits the kanji in sets of 20 to study from. Each set you can learn the kanji by tapping them individually or by the teach me option which will teach it to you and quiz you right after before continuing to the next kanji. You can test by meanings, readings, compounds, and writing/stroke order. For kanji that you already mastered it won't test you again for awhile. Each set/kanji/grade/jlpt level has a circle which shows your progress. The first is empty at first, but as you get more correct answers to the test the circle will fill up. I find that this has helped me with kanji reading and recognition. Its an offline app so I can study anywhere. No online backup for your progress.
Day One
I had to reset my iPod because it stopped responding which resulted to losing all of my entries on Momento. I was really bummed so I decided to start anew with a new dairy app so I chose this. Its not at all like Momento which I still prefer since it imports my tweets. Day One is more basic as it just has starring, tags, and location but it allows photos. I use this app to write about private thoughts and musings. Its alittle annoying that it won't scroll down as I write so I have to manually scroll down to see the bottom. Its a nice app, but I'll look out for a better one.
So that's all the apps I have. I do have games but I review those separately. I don't even play most of them anymore so its not worth mentioning them here. Hope you enjoyed!