Eye product risks

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There's so many products for eyes for women since its the most important feature of the face. But no one has ever warned me of the possible risks they could cause.

Your eye area is one of the most sensitive area of you body. You don't want anything to happen to them. One common skin issue you get on your eyes from eye products are small bumps. These bumps are unsightly and can get annoying. There are different types of bumps but the ones I know are milia, sty, and chalazion. They all involve getting pores and glands blocked and results in a bump that may that there for months or years. Horrifying! It is not recommended to scratch or pop them as it may worsen the bump or irritate your eye area more.

For milia it's better to seek a dermatologist to get them professionally removed since it won't go away on its own. Otherwise you will need a product that removes dead skin cells like retin A or retinol. Basically anti-aging products for the eye area but some may not do the job so be sure to read the ingredients list. Doing this will take about 2 months and I'd advise using a moisturizing product that's safe on the eyes that you trust since anti-aging products can be kind of harsh. Mine got irritated and was horribly flaky for two weeks or more. Milia is commonly caused by mineral oil in skin care products. Thick eye cream generally gives me this problem so I have to stay away from them.

Styes and chalazion are similar except styes are inflamed and itchy. Both can be treated with having a hot presses on the eye area a few times a day till its gone. If they don't show any improvement after a few days or weeks it's best to go to your doctor as you may need antibiotics as they're are like infections caused by bacteria. I got a couple from using eye curlers. No one has told me the dangers of the bacteria that eye curlers can house. I don't use mascara so I didn't think I needed to clean the curler as much but boy was I wrong. Disinfected your curlers!

I've learned the hard way and now I ether take the effort to clean tools after every use or avoid using these tools and products completely.

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