Monday, January 11, 2021

How to pay and purchase art posts on Postype

  If you like to buy something from a Korean artist but they only have Postype, I'll show you how I pay for it! Now I can't read Korean but from what I can understand its a blog platform where the artists can lock art behind a pay wall. These are paid with points and are labeled like 7,000 P. There's a number of options to buy these points, but the one that works for me is using Paypal. I use Google Translate to help me navigate the site. I will censor out some identifying things for obvious reasons. To make this simpler, I will use google translate on the screenshots and you should be able to find these buttons in korean rather easily.

 First you need to get an account! If there's adult art you want you will need an account to even see anything on adult rated posts. Click on the person icon on the top right and it will bring up a small window of familiar social media icons to sign up with or use the mail envelope if you want to sign up using your email address. 

 For adult content, you will need to turn on the adult filter so click on the profile icon on the top right and find the settings page.

 At the bottom is where the adult filter is turned on or off. Be sure to save changes!

 Now to purchase a post! You should find a box with numbers and icons like below. This tells you the number of words and images that will be unlocked once you've paid. Below it is the points price and on the right the purchase button.

 When you click on Purchase a pop up window will appear. Its self explanatory in that it just tells you how much you must pay. In the screenshot I don't have enough points and must get 4,000. So I will hit the Charging Points button. 

 This will take you to a different page. You can access this page by going to the "point" page on the menu you get when you click on your profile icon. This is the "Charging points" tab of the points page. Unfortunately you can't charge the exact amount so the lowest I can get is 5,000.


 Just below it is the payment method. You will need to fill out your name, email, and contact which is your phone number. I live in the US so I do need to put a 1 in my phone number. Below that is the pay part. Choose the 4th option and it will pop up a dropdown list. Choose the Paypal option which is the 3rd one. Once you click on the pay blue button on the bottom you will be taken to Paypal! 


Once you've paid through Paypal click the blue button on the page that comes up and it will bring you to your Charging history page. Now you can go back to the post and when you click on the grey Purchase button you should have enough points to purchase!

 Once you've purchase, a pop up will appear saying your purchase is confirmed and the page will refresh and you'll have your art!! The art will stay on the post. This isn't a PDF and no download links. You are paying to read and look at it not to save or print it out. Please be respectful! 

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